Energy Saving Tips - Electrical and others
Would you keep paying for your newspaper delivery while away on vacation? Or, for that matter, your magazine subscriptions when you know you’re not going to be around to read an issue?
Well, you probably wouldn’t, would you? So why pay for electricity that you’re not using? Because that’s exactly what you’re doing if you don’t prepare your home accordingly before you go away for the summer.
When vacationing away from home, it’s easy to neglect simple things that can cause your energy bills to soar. Everyday household appliances can consume high amounts of energy, so it’s important to make your home energy efficient while you’re away to avoid returning to bloated energy bills.
You may not know it but at this very moment, there are vampires lurking in your home. These are your HVAC system, home theater system, and refrigerator, all of which consume electricity even when they’re not actively used. They have aptly received the label of being "vampire appliances". Some appliances, such as your water heater, can consume 400 kWh/month on average. Reducing energy consumption with such devices can lower the cost of your energy bills. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average American household spends $111 monthly on energy bills and the average price of residential electricity in December 2011 was 12 cents/kWh (Kilowatt Hour), although this cost differs from state to state (7.5 cents in Idaho to 36 cents in Hawaii). These costs are expected to rise throughout the country.
Now just imagine how much money you could save by simply taking a little time before leaving for your vacation to prepare your home to be as energy efficient as possible! Here are a few tips to help you do it right.
Energy-Saving Tips
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