Lighting Choices Save Money
Light your home using the same amount of light for less money. Upgrading 15 of the inefficient incandescent lightbulb’s in your home could save you about $50 per year.
New lighting standards take effect in 2012, and money-saving options such as energy-saving incandescent, CFL, and LED lightbulbs are available today. For high-quality products with the greatest energy savings, choose bulbs that have earned the ENERGY STAR.
New Lightbulbs: What's the Difference?
Traditional incandescent bulbs use a lot of energy to produce light.
90% of the energy is given off as heat
That lost energy is money we are throwing away
Newer energy-saving lightbulbs provide the choices in colors and light levels you've come to expect. The new lights are also much more efficient -- so they save you money.
What Are My Lighting Choices?
Three of the most common energy-efficient lighting types include energy-saving incandescents, CFLs, and LEDs. You can find these in most hardware and home improvement stores, and they are all more energy-efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs.
Energy Saving Incandescents -- about 25% energy savings
Energy-saving, or halogen, incandescents have a capsule inside that holds gas around a filament to increase bulb efficiency. This type of incandescent bulb is about 25% more efficient and can last up to three times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. They are available in a wide range of shapes and colors, and can be used with dimmers.
Skip Howes
CGP - Certified Green Professional
CGB - Certified Graduate Builder
CAPS - Certified Aging in Place Specialist
RRP - Certified Lead Paint Renovator
Scott Homes, Ltd., Designers & Builders
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