Do you complain of High Heating Bills?
In many areas of Colorado this is the most common reason for a Home Energy Assessment and for many great reasons. The U.S. Department of Energy states that the average American homeowner loses 30 cents ($.30) of every heating dollar to leaky ducts, house air leaks and faulty or insufficient insulation. Simple cost effective improvements can add up quickly to save money. The Energy Conservation Pyramid is a great tool to help you pick the improvements that produce positive results quickly. Do you know how your home stacks up?
Do you have High Electric Consumption?
High electric consumption means high electric bills and less money in your pocket. Add up your kilowatt-hour (kWH) consumption for one year using the informaiton on your monthly utility bill. Then divide that number by 12. This is your average monthly consumption of electricity. If you average is greater than 800kWH per month you could certainly benefit from the electrical consumption analysis portion of the Home Energy Assessment. Do you know ho your home stacks up?
Do you have Home Comfort Issues?
Is your house have spots where you need to wear a sweater in the winter? Do you feel a draft when the wind blows? Are some rooms warmer than others and others colder? You may have an excessively leaky ductwork or a pressure imbalance n your heating and cooing system. Your walls, windows or doors may be leaking the valuable heat from your house to the colder exterior. Do you know how your house stacks up?
The Department of Energy has a couple of success stories of how an energy assessment can make life much better.
Do you have Indoor Air Quality concerns?
Do you cook fish on Friday and smell it all week long? Do odors linger beyond a reasonable life span? A home without proper air pressure balance can pull harmful fumes from attached garages or combustion gases, such as carbon monoxide, from gas or propane heaters and water heaters. Proper air changes in the house are needed to remove the sale (fish smelling) air and replacing fresh air into the house.
Do you have questions about Green Energy?
In today’s energy economy, there are viable solutions to reduce your carbon footprint by improving your energy efficiency or using energy products that do not rely on traditional distribution of natural gas or electricity. Solar or photovoltaic electricity, solar water heating or in ground geothermal can be considered. Each should be analyzed for the initial cost, lifetime benefit and ultimate reduction in your utility bills and carbon footprint. Some have viable incentives from the Federal Government, State Government or your local utility.
What kind of energy review do I need?
Colorado Energy Analysts offers three (3) different type of reviews. The Energy Survey, the Energy Assessment and the RESNET Energy Rating. For any of these energy reviews, we will discuss with you on the phone your specific issues, goals and objectives, get a description of your home and it’s basic information and the last 12 months worth of utility bills. If you don’t have them in your files, you can typically contact your energy provider and they can send or email you a printout of your usage and dollar amount. Once you determine the type of energy review you want to perform a work order will be executed and we will begin our assessment process.
Following the on site interview and the in-home diagnostic testing, Colorado Energy analysts will load your house data into our computer energy analysis model to produce an accurate assessment of your homes current performance. We then provide you with a detailed written report of your homes performance and a prioritized list of recommended improvements by a Return-on-investment (ROI) or Savings-to-Investment (STI) ratio. This format allows you to see where you can get the biggest bang for your buck and the related payback period for each energy saving recommendation. You can then determine which improvements you wish to perform and their appropriate order of priority.
The Department of Energy has a great website to gain more information.
BPI Certified Building Analysts
RESNET Certified HERS Rater
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Colorado Energy Analysts
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